Result & Publications


Public Deliverables

The project's public results are uploaded here once they become available. 
For all media results, please see the Media Centre. 


Work package 1 - Project management 
Work package 2 - User requirements and service definition

Work package 3 - Product innovation and validation 

Work package 4 - Technical implementation 

Work package 5 - Demonstration cases 
Work package 6 - Communication and user engagement 
Work package 7 - Dissemination and exploitation


*Deliverables will be listed here once they become available.


Scientific papers



CoastObs official poster



CoastObs official flyer



Desktop backgrounds


SMALL  (1920x1080px)                                                                                                                                                  

Phytoplankton Seagrass
Harmful Algal Blooms Primary Production

BIG (2560x1600px)

Phytoplankton Seagrass
Harmful Algal Blooms Primary Production