
CoastObs uses Earth Observation and in situ data to provide an overview of turbidity, an optical determination of water clarity.

Why is it important?

Turbidity tells us the clarity of water, or how transparent water is. Clarity is determined by the depth that sunlight penetrates in water. The further sunlight can reach, the higher the water clarity. The clearer the water, the deeper the photic zone and the greater the potential for photosynthetic production. Turbidity, together with measurements of total suspended matter and coloured dissolved organic material, are often used to characterize the quality of water. A sudden increase in turbidity in a previously clear body of water is a cause for concern.

What does CoastObs offer?

CoastObs service provides highly accurate and timely geospatial information for providing turbidity maps at a spatial/temporal resolution of10m (5 days), or high resolution (variable).

How was the data validated?

To assess the accuracy of turbidity products derived from S2 imagery, in situ data measured close in time to the satellite overpass was used. In situ data included turbidity profiles measured during field activities and continuous real-time data from turbidity sensors at fixed locations.

Case study example: Turbidity map in the Venice Lagoon.

Figure 6 is taken from CoastObs platform and shows the turbidity in the Venice Lagoon, Italy. Turbidity maps can be found in many more regions as part of our products available.