Hello CoastObservers!
With COVID reaching every corner of the world, and while working from our homes, we are going back to the photos of our past fieldwork campaigns, like this image taken in Glenan, France, one of our case studies. In fact, this photo was recently one of the winners of the #EUinMyRegion photo contest! Keep reading to find out more.
We hope you are keeping safe and healthy.
Thank you for keeping interest on our project, we hope you enjoy the read!
Your CoastObs team

CoastObs News _______________________________________
COVID19 reveals human impact on environment: Example of Venice water transparency seen by Copernicus.
Our partner CNR Italy, leading also the Copernicus Marine Service data provider from Ocean Color Thematic Assembly Center (OC TAC), have analyzed in detail the water transparency in recent Sentinel-2 images for the Venice Lagoon. Click to read more!
CoastObs platform preview!
Continuously improving the theory and practice of remote sensing based water quality monitoring and management.
CoastObs is winner of the #EUinMyRegion photo contest!
The European Commission launched the photo contest #EUinmyregion, a co-created communication campaign that aims to increase the visibility of EU-funded projects across Europe. We won, but you can win too! If you want to have a chance to win a basket full of the best European delicacies and regional flavours, go check our post and find out more.
CoastObs' weekly phytoplankton bloom report
If you live in the Netherlands and are interested on checking the info on the phytoplankton conditions each week, this post is for you!
Other news _______________________________________
Satellites and Big Data to Monitor Marine Protected Areas And The Ocean
This year, the Global Ocean Action’s goal is to take action and protect 30% of our blue planet by 2030. How can remote sensing help monitor Marine Protected Areas?
#CMEMSforH2020 campaign
The #CMEMSforH2020 campaign has the objective to foster the use of Copernicus Marine Data among project holders in the Horizon 2020 EU program and all marine related EU projects.
EU adopts emergency aid for aquaculture and fisheries
The European Commission welcomes launched the 2020 European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF) pre-financing process to mitigate the impact of coronavirus on the aquaculture and fisheries sectors.
2021 Horizon Europe: The next EU framework programme and the ocean
An ambitious €100 billion programme called Horizon Europe is forthcoming, what's coming for the Ocean?
GIF of this edition _______________________________________
Thanks for reading and for being a CoastObserver!
We wish you a great end of the confinement and an environmentally friendly comeback.
Until next edition!

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020
research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 776348.
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