
User meeting in Bourgneuf Bay

@By Laurent Barille

University of Nantes and Biolittoral have met end-users on the 19th and 21th of March to deliver WP3 intertidal seagrass products from CoastObs case-study in Bourgneuf Bay.

They were respectively representatives of the Maritime Affairs administration, of an environmental association (ADBVBB), of the fishermen (COREPEM) and the shellfish industry (CRC). After a brief reminder of CoastObs objectives, there was a technical presentation of the products : seagrass % cover and biomass spatial distribution maps. A particular attention was devoted to the explanation of how calibration and validation were obtained. Each end-user was provided with a poster and files compatibles with GIS software and Google Earth. The feed-back questionnaire was detailed as well as CoastObs expectations. Some users already mentioned their interest for others products such as wild shellfish beds.